ATD Tools 3696 Deluxe Dual Aluminum A/C Manifold Gauge Set
You looking to find the "ATD Tools 3696 Deluxe Dual Aluminum A/C Manifold Gauge Set" Good news! You can purchase ATD Tools 3696 Deluxe Dual Aluminum A/C Manifold Gauge Set with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Feature
- R12/R134a gauges
- (3) 96 inch hoses
- Manual couplers
- 1/4 inch SAE-M x 1/2 inch Acme-F adapter
- Gauge guards
Product Description
This Deluxe Dual Aluminum Air Conditioning Manifold Gauge Set features R12/R134a gauges, (3) 96 inch hoses, manual couplers, 1/4 inch SAE-M x 1/2 inch Acme-F adapter and gauge guards. It features easy to read guages and is also easy to recalibrate guages to insure accuracy.ATD Tools 3696 Deluxe Dual Aluminum A/C Manifold Gauge Set Review
I have used this just one day so far, but having had a cheap one with small gauges and short hoses from large autoparts chain that did not go into vacuum at all, this is a big improvement. The hoses fit R12 adn 134a, the solid aluminum feels well made. Valves work well. Gauges have adjust ability for zero and are fluid damped. For the price, its worth it.One issue I had was one 134 connector did not snap on as it was supposed to, I am taking that back. Did not get here as I found same price locally.
Another small issue is that the connectors seem to take effort to get threaded properly, they have a slot across the threads and it seems to be easier than normal to cross it. Take it easy and work at it.
I would have liked a bag or case for all these parts, but will get a bag for it. Some guys will leave it hanging, so I guess they saved money there.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "ATD Tools 3696 Deluxe Dual Aluminum A/C Manifold Gauge Set" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from ATD Tools 3696 Deluxe Dual Aluminum A/C Manifold Gauge Set ...