CarNetix CNX-P1900 Ver. 2.2 Dual Output 140 Watt 12V DC-DC Regulator
You looking to find the "CarNetix CNX-P1900 Ver. 2.2 Dual Output 140 Watt 12V DC-DC Regulator" Good news! You can purchase CarNetix CNX-P1900 Ver. 2.2 Dual Output 140 Watt 12V DC-DC Regulator with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Description
xCarNetix CNX-P1900 Ver. 2.2 Dual Output 140 Watt 12V DC-DC Regulator Review
These PSUs work great, but the P1900 is advertised as being usable with a Mac Mini-- while this is true for pre-2010 models that ran at 19V, the 12V output of the P1900 is no where near sufficient to power a recent intel Mini. For that you need the P2140.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "CarNetix CNX-P1900 Ver. 2.2 Dual Output 140 Watt 12V DC-DC Regulator" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from CarNetix CNX-P1900 Ver. 2.2 Dual Output 140 Watt 12V DC-DC Regulator ...